Joe Biden/Kamala Harris happens to be running for President of the United States of America & chose Senator Kamala Harris for his running mate publicly today. Living your history by sharing it, do I? His story, her story....we all have a story. This has mine.
Melody does matter; Stevie Nicks' lyric taken/read out of context would be incorrect when it comes to people named Melody or perhaps melodies in this one particular blip during a time it was written? I wouldn't know; I never asked her. I had plenty of time.
Clearly, the live version of those lyrics were funky times & I felt strongly enough to write this when posting didn't exist yet but fearful enough not to sing, write or spit into some vortex uh....HERE.
This "cast" is a great day for anyone alive in it regardless of age, politics or soup this planet period. These are some very dark, decisive times that don't tell or tattle on you when they're streaming in motion.
Today, the sun is setting and the moon is rising. We're all good here. Rock and Roll.
Peace Out,
= {};'